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Getting Promoted Online Course - Manufacturing Leadership Training
How To Get the Most Out of This Course
What You Will Need
Course Agenda
MODULE 1: Getting Started
Learning Objectives
SECTION 1: Your Starting Point
What Matters Is Important
Possible "WHY's"
Activity 1: Why I’m Doing This
The Importance of Your “WHY”
Taking Personal Inventory
Activity 2: What I Want To Change
Attitude Is Everything
Attitude Is Everything-Things To Think About
When you evaluate your attitude be genuine
Activity 3: Attitude Self-Assessment
Where To Begin
Activity 4: Your Daily Record
What It Takes
Action Tasks
Section Summary
Self-Study 1: Self-Talk Thought Train
Self-Study 2: Attitude Is Everything Workbook
End of Module
SECTION 2: Understanding Where You Fit In
Understanding the Company
Activity 5: Identifying Major Goals
Understanding Where You Fit In
Activity 6: Identifying Where I Fit In
Understanding Your Work Environment
What Is Your Sphere of Influence?
Activity 7: What Is My Sphere of Influence?
Making An Impact
Action Tasks
Section Summary
Suggested Reading List
Self-Study 1: How To Influence People
End of Module
Introduction To The Next Module
MODULE 2: Anatomy of a Promotion
Overview: Course Agenda
Learning Objectives
SECTION 1: How Corporate Promotions Really Work
What Can You Do For The Company?
Activity 1: Whom Do I Need To Know?
Activity 2: What Are My Company’s Business Needs?
Companies and A-Players
Activity 3: Who Are the A-Players In My Company?
What Does Management Look For?
What Does Your Boss Look For From You?
Activity 4: Is My Boss Happy with My Work?
Activity 5: Improving Your Relationship With Your Boss
Career Paths and Promotions
Activity 6: What Is My Career Path?
Action Tasks
Section Summary
Self-Study 1: Five Characteristics of A-Players
Self-Study 2: Asking Your Boss For Feedback
Self-Study 3: How To Get A Promotion
End of Section
SECTION 2: What Doesn’t Work for Promotions
Check Your Expectations At The Door
Activity 7: Your Promotion Expectations
Don’t Play Games With Your Career
How HR Thinks About Promotions
Activity 8: Improving in HR’S Eyes
How You Send the Wrong Message
Perception and Reality
Activity 9: Establishing New Expectations
Action Tasks
Section Summary
Self-Study 1: Why You’re Not Getting Promoted
Self-Study 2: How To Promote Yourself
End of Section
SECTION 3: Essential Steps Toward Getting A Promotion
Step 1: Your Area of Work
Step 2: Results Focused
Step 3: Responsibilities
Step 4: Clues To Getting Noticed
Section Summary
Suggested Reading List
End of Section
How You Send the Wrong Message
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